
Terry Simpson, M.D., F.A.C.S.

"Providing a prescription for healthy living."


Dr. Simpson is available for speaking, interviews, and to write articles related to food, nutrition, medicine, health care policy, and as a medical correspondent. 

You can reach him through email: 


For media opportunities, advertising or sponsorships - contact:

Producergirl Productions at

Hello New York City!

Dr. Simpson poke at the 140Conf - the State of Now  on June 18th - both as a part of the gluten panel, and his own talk about myths of weight loss. This world-wide conference is a collection of some of the best known tweeters who have passionate interests in food and health. 





For More information see 


National Indian Health Board 2013 Area Impact Award

Dr. Simpson received one of the area awards for his work on the board of South Central Foundation in Alaska - a non-profit bringing primary care to Alaska Natives.  

This was the work for which Dr. Simpson spoke at the NUKA conference for health care.  You can read about them here His topic will be about board governance, how to hire a visonary CEO and how to maintain the governing board's mandate to keep a vision and mission for the organization.  Not just another conference, SouthCentral Foundation won the Malcom Baldridge award (see here) .  As the physician member of the board, as well as a member of the governing board of the Alaska Native Medical Center, Dr. Simpson has been instrumental in consistently raising the bar for health care, in an age when other organizations are cutting back - they are providing more to their customer-owners.

‘Nuka’ Means Strength in Health Care

  • Southcentral Foundation’s unique health care delivery system, the Nuka System of Care, brings together organizational strategies and processes; medical, behavioral, dental, and traditional practices; and infrastructure that work together to support wellness. “Nuka” is an Alaska Native name given to strong, giant structures and living things. The system is owned, managed, directed, designed, and driven by Alaska Native people, referred to as “customer-owners.”

  • The Nuka System of Care is based on four principles: (1) customers drive everything, (2) customers must know and trust the health care team, (3) customers should face no barriers in seeking care, and (4) employees and supporting facilities are vital to success.

  • In 2010, SCF achieved the highest level of Patient Centered Medical Home™ recognition from the National Committee on Quality Assurance (NCQA) for creating a strong primary care system that engages customer-owners and offers a broad range of preventive services and treatment.

Dr. Simpson has served on several boards where he has been a part of visonary growth - starting with Cook Inlet Region Board, which became a billiion dollar company under his watch as chairman.  He has seen board infighting, seen boards rally, and helped board to get to the next level and beyond.

His talk at the NUKA conference will be the path to board success.




Dr. Simpson's office:

760 Las Posas Road, Suite C-2

Camarillo, California 93010 


Dr. Simpson's office email:  - this is for making an appointment, or for his office staff.

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